Thursday, June 25, 2009

What Does Summer Look Like?

What does summer look like?
Splashing in the sun....
Eating with your feet on the table...
Never wearing clothes....Who needs them?
Working on those muscles...
Posing for the camera, the umpteenth time...
Truly excited to be so clean...unaware that someone (in the background) may be cooking up a scheme...
Taking pictures with your sibling...
Getting ambushed...
Pose for the camera post-ambush, with the ambusher laughing in the background...
Tattling on said ambusher...
All clean...
Getting ready to do it all over again tomorrow!

Yep, that's what summer looks like to me too!


  1. Those are great! I love you captions- they are perfect!

  2. I mean really, could they be any cuter??? Looks like y'all are having a wonderful summer!

  3. What a fantastic series of pictures! I feel like they capture so much of their personalities and I haven't even had the pleasure of meeting them (yet!).

  4. NO CLOTHES?!?! What what?!? We wouldn't know ANYTHING about that here! LOL

    (we call it 'pantless Tuesday' or Mondays or Wednesday...etc...) be a child!


About Me

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Phoenix, AZ, United States
We are four sisters on a mission to lose 100 pounds a piece. We are all doing something different, but we have one goal.