Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Biscuit Bandit!

If you know anything about Baby Branson then you are aware that he has yet to overcome his dumping and filling stage. I do wonder if he ever will surpass it, a few months ago he pulled a week old waffle out of the trunk of his truck! Yes, it is gross but true:) After school today Baby Branson, Brooklyn and I are in the living room....Branson still clinging to the chicken nugget his daddy gave him on his lunch break and Brooklyn is rolling around the floor, laughing and loving every minute of her little life:) (gotta love it) Branson is getting thirsty and does his regular "cu, cu, cu" call, so I go into the kitchen and get him a sippy cup of water; of course, upon my return everything is not as it was....his nugget is "missing". So, the search and rescue mission ensue....I checked the couch, the fireplace, and the window sill---his favorite spots, but still NO NUGGET!!! Ugh...I am just going to find a stinky moldy mess if I don't find this darn nugget, help me Lord. And as if He heard my voice I look up and Branson is happily munching again!! Woohoo mystery solved.....he must have had it the entire time. So, here I am back to folding and then I notice large white crumbs all over the carpet and think to myself either he is pulling this nugget apart or this isn't a nugget at all....Oh man, what are you eating? Then I recall the breakfast I prepared on Sunday morning; eggs, turkey sausage, and BISCUITS....nice, big white biscuits. And though the mystery of the nugget has yet to be solved it does seem that we have about a two day turn over rate on food. While I will be Nancy Drew for the next few days, I know there is a whole new meaning to DAY OLD BREAD!!:) You just gotta love my little biscuit bandit!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha....I think I will call to talk to the biscuit bandit. Maybe we will find the missing nugget. LOL! This is so funny!


About Me

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Phoenix, AZ, United States
We are four sisters on a mission to lose 100 pounds a piece. We are all doing something different, but we have one goal.