Below are pictures from Denny's and the church program:)
Of course our failed Christmas pictures would follow....there is always next year!:)Well, this solo pic of Juice is pretty dang cute actually!!
Hey, this one is pretty cute actually!:)....I think I have amazing solo babies!
Time to trim the tree, the little man was in love with this....especially the part where he got to double as he tree topper, Brooklyn just enjoyed watching!
I present to you "The Tree"!:)
Aunt Davina and Uncle Will sent me some pretty awesome shoes but the box it all came in was the best!!
And boy, oh boy, did I love Christmas....hiding out under the tree and stealing bows off of presents was my absolute fave!!
Some people in South Carolina really love me, they bought me this fabulous ensemble!
Yeah baby, it's cookie time!!
But, not before I climb into the fireplace and have a look up the is Santa getting down here?????:)
After a Family Prayer it's officially gift time!!
Our little family of four....Man I get tears when I think about where we started to where we are today---to sum it all up, we are Blessed!!
My Auntie and Uncle hit the nail on the head with this gift....I LOVE LAPTOPS---this is no exception; THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!