Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Years!

So, I am three days late on this post as well...this will probably be the only time I talk about me:) But, I have to tell a few of my resolutions!
1. Get to bed at a reasonable hour!
2. Be even more faithful about my relationship with God:)...THIS IS A BIGGIE!!
3. Learn to let go of what I can't control (this will be situational and year long:))
4. Get this deux baby weight off my body:) But most importantly just be healthy and set a good example.
5. Be more open to people!
6. Give my babies loads and loads of mommy time....which is SOOOO hard with working!!
7. Learn new and exciting recipes....
8. Don't have another baby YET!!:)

Brooklyn's Resolutions:
1. Sleep through the night
2. Walk
3. Cut some more teeth
4. Get a barrette in my hair
5. Say "mama", "dada", and "juice"....I believe she wants more words than that too!

Branson's Resolution:
1. Know my ABC's
2. Ride my tricycle
3. Get a sandbox
4. Go to sleep without screaming "MOMMY!"
5. Learn more environmental print

*So, here is my corny...self-portrait, in my car, while my husband ran into Starbucks for coffee...Happy New Year Everybody:)


  1. Are you sure you don't want just one more???? They are both so cute...LOL!


About Me

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Phoenix, AZ, United States
We are four sisters on a mission to lose 100 pounds a piece. We are all doing something different, but we have one goal.