Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's Official...My boy is two;)

Here are the pictures from his birthday party and riding his very first scooter around the neighborhood! It was a great day, we really had a fun time with the kids and everything I had planned didn't work out....It was the unplanned that was fun, like the impromptu birthday dance from a young party-goer and the sword fighting that broke-out between the boys! His theme was Cars, but we asked that people bring things he could play with outdoors. We came up with the Cars theme because everyday after school he breaks into a dead sprint to his room when we get home and says "Mommy I want to see Cars" (mommy iwansee cars). That movie has helped me prepare many meals, many thanks to the creators!

Things I love about Branson at TWO!
1. He can communicate his needs without getting frustrated with me.
2. He can play alone and not tear my house apart.
3. He tells me out of the blue "Luv u mommy" and gives me a smooch.
4. He says "Please and Thank you"
5. When he sees mommy is tired he will sit with me and play with his truck.
6. He entertains Brooklyn when mommy is preparing dinner...plays cat and mouse with her which is beautiful!
7. Gives his sister so many kisses....he LOVES her.
8. Says "Daddy no-no" when daddy is being a bad boy!:)
9. Is learning some letters and starting to show interest in colors.
10. No terrible twos to be found! He has gone over that hump (cross my fingers) and now is cruising!

*Yes, mothers of 8 year olds, I am aware that he is going to go through other stages...but when the daycare provider was telling you daily "he was good, but..." and now is saying "Branson is doing a wonderful job, I am so proud of him, he is really listening well..." and many other fabulous accolades, we first time mothers tend to get excited! Don't burst my bubble:)


  1. well, him and Drew would be great buddy's! I put Cars on everday to cook dinner too!!!! funny!! we are having a Cars theme for Drew's bday too! I wish I had known that for Branson, I would have made him a lightning mcqueen cake!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Branson!! You are such a BIG boy riding your scooter around the neighborhood and being so helpful around the house. I will be 2 in just 4 months. I have alot to learn!

  3. Kelly, thats too funny!! You had the mold??? I was going to ask you if you did, we did the whole Elmo cake bit last year. The Lightning McQueen cake was so tiny! Apparently, according to my better half, you are supposed to put it on top of a full sheet cake...Every year, though, his birthday slaps me in the face. So, as with last year, my preparedness was limited!

  4. Hannah, thanks for the comment...Branson is really becoming the big boy, but you are going to the pot---kudos!! We are raising a glass of milk to your successes!!:) You should get a scooter too, it has three wheels and is said to be extremely safe (as compared to their two-wheeled counterparts:))


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Phoenix, AZ, United States
We are four sisters on a mission to lose 100 pounds a piece. We are all doing something different, but we have one goal.