Monday, May 11, 2009 wonderful kids!

The ever beautiful side profile...
So serious...first experience at Chuckie Cheese

Smiling so bright....ready for some pizza!
That's right, even the two year has to clean the car!

Look at those teeth!

This is the boy in Monster Mode! Very scary...
On Monday she ate through one oatmeal cookie...but she was still hungry!


  1. your babies are BEAUTIFUL!

  2. I had no idea Chuck E Cheese even had stuff for kids this young! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks Kelly!:)
    Andrea, my only issue with Chuckie Cheese is the food prices...way too expensive!! The rides were cheap though only 25 cents, so next time we are going to go after we eat and enjoy:)


About Me

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Phoenix, AZ, United States
We are four sisters on a mission to lose 100 pounds a piece. We are all doing something different, but we have one goal.