Saturday, April 11, 2009

Brooklyn's Birthday party!

It was 4 a.m. and I was exhausted but I finally got the cake complete!!
Can't say I will ever make another cake' so labor intensive, just painful!She didn't even pay attention to the candle....But, she did pay attention to the cupcake!Running out of energy...Finally finished!Her brother and cousin were getting full of sugar:)...
We love books!!She loves this couch! are just a few of her pictures, my husband was the photographer and there are no pictures that people intended to take he was being the papparazi, we all know how those pics turn out....people chewing, etc. etc.


  1. Happy Birthday, Brooklyn! You are such a cutie, and your mom did a great job on your first birthday cake! :)

  2. What a great party! Happy Birthday BEAUTIFUL girl!!


About Me

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Phoenix, AZ, United States
We are four sisters on a mission to lose 100 pounds a piece. We are all doing something different, but we have one goal.