Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Brooklyn is a YEAR!! AAAHHHH:)

Well, today April Fool's Day is my dear Brooklyn's Birthday and I can't hardly believe how the time has flown by. We went to the doctor today for her check-up and this girly is tinkering below the 20 lb. mark just like her brother...19 lbs. 14oz. to be exact! I just can't believe how big she has gotten and the way she is coming into her own. We are so excited to see her grow this next year, what a blessing we have in her.
The things I LOVE about Brookie-B at a Year are:
1. The way she loves everyone she meets and has everyone eating out of her hands.
2. The way she says "DaDa"! (even though it should be mama I won't complain about progress)
3. She plays with her brother like a big girl.
4. She gets SOO excited to see me, she jumps up and giggles.
5. The way she bounces in your lap as if to say mommy get UP!!
6. How she can find every speck of dirt, no matter how small or pesky!
7. She has no fear, even after her mommy smacked her hand to get the June Bug out of it after she carried it into the house.
8. She can eat!
9. The way she throws things on the ground (cause and effect relationships here ladies) and says "Uh-oh"
10. The Number one thing I love about this little joy is the way that she loves, it's unconditional and pure...that's that agape love!:)

I am the birthday GIRL!!

The final product....not too much mess, right?:)

She let her brother in on the cake eating action!

Yes she is a big....dirty mess!

Why use hands, when you have a mouth!!:)

Yes, my girl has finally made it to One Year Old!!


  1. Happy Birthday Brooklyn!! You are such a sweet, smart little 1 year old! The birthday hat is so stylish! Love it!

    Hannah and her Mommy

  2. Happy Birthday Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!! So cute!

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday Ms. Brooklyn!!!! I hope you had a great day with your mommy! Looks like you liked your cake!! :)

  4. HaPpY BiRtHdAy Ms. BrOoKlYn!!!!!!!!!!!!
    so glad you liked your cake!!

  5. Happy 1st Birthday Beautiful B! We wish you another year full of joy, love, and laughter!
    p.s. We love your hat too!!!

  6. Happy Be-lated Bday to that sweet, beautiful girl!! :)


About Me

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Phoenix, AZ, United States
We are four sisters on a mission to lose 100 pounds a piece. We are all doing something different, but we have one goal.