Monday, November 24, 2008

Branson's Newest Phrases!

I don't want it!--- sounds like "I no wan-i"
I want pizza!--- sounds like "I wan peza"
I want juice!--- sounds like "I wan juc"

As you can see, none of these are requests they are all demands. So, we have been working very hard on saying please without being told! In addition to these lovely antics he is starting to get pouty...he will hang his head low and roll his shoulders forward so his hands are well positioned right below the knee. Just enough fuss to let you know how sad he is, but not enough to get in trouble!:) Reading all of these nonverbal cues are the hardest thing ever, I just think if I were a SAHM I could know all the comings and goings...The guilt is starting to mount:( This is hard work.:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Nadine!!! I can only laugh a small laugh..because I know this is coming soon with my little one. She is just a few months younger than your Branson! Hang in there. We can all support each other!


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Phoenix, AZ, United States
We are four sisters on a mission to lose 100 pounds a piece. We are all doing something different, but we have one goal.