Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Five Obsessions!

Well, my beautiful and dear coworker sent me an amazing idea...to write the top 5 things I am the most OBSESSED with!!
1. I love, love, love to cook(lately) and get new recipes from anyplace!
2. When it's just me, Branson, and the kids; lounging, at the park, out to dinner or shopping:)
3. When I find money in the pocket of a pair of jeans or coat pocket that I haven't worn for a while!
4. Anything surrounding Christmas...the smells in the air, the hot cocoa, the long lines, the blessing of the sacrifice(Christ, that is, not a goat:)), and being with family.
5. Days at the Milk-and-Honey Spa which is super-duper FAB-O!!
Now it's your turn...

Brooklyn's Obsessions:
1. All things edible...
2. Anything that can be mouthed...
3. MILK>>>>MILK>>>>MILK!!
4. Pulling beautifully designed and placed hairbands out of her hair...
5. Giving people a good slap, especially when they are asleep!!

Branson's Obsessions:
1. Taking challenges like jumping off of couches, ottomans, or any height he can mount only to leap off!!
2. Disciplining Brooklyn "No, no Bookie" (finger point and all)
3. Eating french fries and biscuits for breakfast, lunch and dinner (if he were allowed)
4. Watching his ABC's on the "t.b."
5. Dumping and filling...finding hiding places!!

1. Teresa
2. Kelly Hobbs
3. Quinn
4. Ashley
5. Betsy


About Me

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Phoenix, AZ, United States
We are four sisters on a mission to lose 100 pounds a piece. We are all doing something different, but we have one goal.